Who has the biggest sumpless tank here??


New member
I remember seeing a sumpless 150gallon on here with a remora pro hob and that tank looked clean, clean clean...anyone else with no sump. Thanks
why is that......... i have a 55g sumpless, bak pak, nova t5s and two koralia(3 and 4) and have had no fish deaths, and great coral growth for three years now
I run a 55 gallon without a sum and a HOB skimmer and fuge and it has been up and stable for a year and a half now. I just keep up the water changes.
My biggest problem without a sump I could never find a good fuge option. I ended up using a HOB fuge, and it was better than nothing, but the volume just was not where I wanted it to be.
65 gallon with a hot magnum red sea prizm, and power compacts...beautiful tank but hard to make a chevy look like a lambo!