Who is eating my Zoas?!


New member
For the last three weeks Zoas have been disappearing. A colony of over 50 is now 5 and a colony of over 200 is now 8. Who is causing this destruction?
The suspects:

* Bumble Bee Snails. Carnivorous snails purchased to eat Vermitids. They are usually in the sand however and the Zoas in the sand and lower part of the tank are fine.

* McCoskers Wrasse. Not known to eat sessile inverts but he as been swimming around with a very guilty look on his face.

* Sea Urchin. A hitch hiking baby urchin lives next to one on the eradicated colonies. However he looks like a Common Rock Boring Urchin, so would be a Vegetarian. He is solid black, bores into rock and has lots of spines, too many spines for a Pencil Urchin. His spines are not sharp though. Could he be a Pencil Urchin after all?

* giant Bristle Worm. I have seen them that far up the rock. As I continue o starve them out they may be getting more desperate.

* Emerald Crab. Got an Emerald Crab months ago to help with Bubble Algae. He's been MIA for a long time. Could he be the perpetrator ?

Once the lights go out, I use the red flashlight to try to catch the Zoa murderer in the act. I check the tank every two hours after lights out. I never see anything there! Who is responsible for all this destruction?
I have caught an emerald crab eating mine. I put out some dried seaweed tied to a small rock as a distraction, which works.
I've been observing, Grandis, and haven't seen the 'perp.
Just tried the seaweed on rock trick last night, Firedad. No takers.
It isn't the Black Brittlestars is it? There are lots that live near the destroyed colonies and some have gotten to be around 4 or 5". It couldn't be them, could it?

Wonder if I can try your idea with a piece of fish, Firedad.
I have a very limited clean up crew. The emeralds and some small hermits. The hermits crawl over them but I never saw them eating them. As far as the others I really don't know. I would try the fish. Good luck!