Who keeps clowns and anemones, and what do you keep with them?


New member
I was wondering if anyone here keeps clowns and anemones, and what else do you have in your tanks with them? Do you keep coral, and what other (if any) fish, inverts, corals do you keep with them?
I have clowns an anemones an you can keep what you want.I have had no problem .I had tangs corals just a little bet of everytthing.You got to keep your eyes on the anemone because they like to move alot.
Anemonaes move and will sting. You have to keep any eye on them. My clowns host my frog span, hammer, trumphet, etc.
GBTA, clowns and other coral, which include...
Monitpora Caps

The anemone will most likely kill anything that it brushes against over time as it does 'sting'.
I want to keep a RBTA and or a GBTA and I was wondering if it is a bad idea to add corals to the mix.
I have a RBTA with clowns and anything else I wanted: Tang, Coral Beauty, Leopard Wrass for fish and all kinds of soft, LPS, and lower light SPS like Seriatapora and Montipora.

My anemone did move when I originally placed it and did sting things along the way. But everything it stung recovered and once it found it's happy place it has not moved again and has been in the same place for 4 years.

Now brown star polyps are actually encroaching on the anemone's territory and causing it to retreat. I wish it would sting the BSP more than it does.

I think the biggest problem with anemones is that most people ,when they're counting how many fish they have in their bioload, forget that those anemones poop and blow their reproductive stuff into the water and dirty things up worse than some fish. You need a large enough tank or a commitment to keeping it really clean to keep them happy.

Once your tank is stabilized and they've found a good spot, they usually don't move. But if you change currents, lights, or you have big swings in your water quality they have more tendency to roam.