Who knew snails were so hardy?


Reef Guru
So much for acclimating snails and crabs.... After I had moved everything over from the old 75g to the new 150g, I drained most of the water out of the old tank to catch some of the fish. I drained it down to about 6" of water. After I got all the fish and shrimp out, I stirred through the old sand in the bottom to see if I could find any nassarius or cerith snails. This turned that 6" into muddy slop. It has been that way for about 3 days. I went in there this morning with a flashlight to look around now that the silt has settled, and found 5 snails and crabs crawling around. The water was ice cold and they have been in it for days. Guess those little guys are pretty tough. Pods surviving in there too. In that 6" of frigid water are hundreds of pods darting around.
when i moved from my old apartment to the one im in now last febuary my entire tank temp hit 63 degrees , also found a snail laying on the floor in the old apartment over a hr later and it lived .