who wants to help me? cause i really need it. lol


New member
i need a refugium complete set up to buy or help from someone on here to help me build one asap. i have a 90 gallon reef tank so whatever size i can fit under the tank.

i will even throw in stuff i dont need anymore like a protien skimmer and some other stuff.
You don't need a protein skimmer? Who gave you this idea?

Don’t take offense to this, I mean it in the nicest way, but… It is difficult to help someone who won't give a strong effort to help themselves, so first lets start with discussing why you have come to this conclusion that you really need help. Is there a major problem with your tank? Have you heard the opinion of someone recently that skimmer are bad and refugiums are good?

I have never heard of anyone selling a complete refugium accept for the little hang on the back ones that are more for looks then function in my opinion. So your probably going to have to build one.

A 90 gallon tank might fit underneath a 90 if your stand is built that way, but what it really comes down to is how big of an opening you have in your stand. The other thing is are you planning on putting the return pump outside of the stand and scrapping all other forums of filtration you have down there?

Here to help, but lets get a little more information to start.

He definitely needs a refugium. I would keep the protein skimmer as well, you need both. He has a wet/dry setup with bioballs. I suggest remove the bioballs, replace with rubble rock and add some cheato algae. That will do wonders to your tank especially compared to a wet/dry bioball setup.
What you need to do is figure out what is the biggest tank you can fit in your stand, and get glass cut and make baffels for a refugium, skimmer area and return. You can research different peoples setups and sumps on the forums, lots of good ideas out there. That's how I get my ideas and info, just reading and research.
A refuge is an awesome idea but I agree with Jon in that we need more info. Like what size opening? what size space is under the stand. And I also would not throw the skimmer to the curb just yet, Even if you get to a balanced nutrient import/export there is the time between ramping one systen up and taking the other down that needs to be addressed.
Any chance that you can post some pictures of your stank, and your under tank plumbing? That might help us to help you so that we can get an idea of you are working with.
sure ill post tonight . its got a 20 gallon wet dry under there now. its a 90 g and it has 130 lbs of rock and 70 lbs of aragonite. i wanna convert the wetdry but if it wont be efficent i want to upgrade to a diy refuge sump
Please rmember when measuring for your sump/fuge that you ensure you have enough room to include your skimmer and still be able to get the cup off.

I ended up having to put my skimmer in my sump instead of being able to hang it on the side and ended up busting out one of my baffles in the process.

I would also reccomend using plexi instead of glass. The glass you'd get from HD is window pane and is very VERY thin and breaks easily.
This might help we have a 180 and with the sump and pumps we had no room for a refugium so instead we made it into a display tied into our sump and it sits right next to our 180. We have a 40 breeder that was used as a refugium and it is drilled. If your interested let us know