Who's heaters are you using?


New member

Who's heaters are you 450+gallon tank folks using? Is it an in-tank heating element, or is it an inline model? Whats the wattage?

I'm looking at 1,000 watt units, but they seem to be scarce, with not many manufacturers. Finnex has them, but they have very mixed reviews. The Aqualogic inline looks nice, but I don't need the controller & there $750+.:spin2:
Im using an inline 3kw elecro (make sure its a titanium version for saltwater) plus another 10 x 300w standard heaters in the hope that the 3kw heater doesnt have to come on that much!
I havent had it running long tbh but they are used on a lot of large tanks and in LFS over here and I have never heard anyone expressing anything negative about them
Wow you guys are bringing howitzers to a pistol shooting contest. My total water volume is 500 gallons. My fish room is actually heated in winter by the water from my DT and three sumps.

Most of the water temp is maintained by 1800 watts of T5 lighting during the day, so I only need supplemental heat for a few hours in the morning when lights have been off.

I use a pair of 250W Aqueon Pro Heaters submerged in the intake section of my main sump. The Heaters built-in thermostats are set at 82 degrees, but are actually managed by my Apex controller which turns then on at 76.5 and off at 78.5 degrees. Thus the water temp never drops below 76.5. Ever. If it would make you feel better, you could use (3) 250W heaters from a reliable manufacturer - just control them with a comtroller or other external thermostat.


I agree with lightsluvr. We use three 250W Aqueon Pro Heaters in our sump. I add a forth during the coldest winter months. Plenty adequate. Tank has never dropped below 76 degrees.