who's prepping for frag swap?


New member
I started fragging the past couple days. Anyone else start the fragging process? Just curious what kind of stuff other members will have.

I will have the usual assortment of zoas and palys.
I threw down a post a bit ago with what I was bringing. I'm actually coming home this weekend (this was planned this afternoon) and am going to be fragging even more stuff since the other stuff has had time to grow out, so I'll have a whole other second rack full of stuff. I'm excited :)
yeah i didn't think i was gonna be able to frag anything up but my wife kinda got me back into the spirit. I was not into it this time around and things have turned around and the fragging has begun.

I am not into sps but i will have the usual eagle eyes, green people eaters, red people eaters, armor of gods, and some other colorful zoas and palys.

I should also have some used equipment for sale this time around, a cheap ro/di unit and a couple mh pendant lamps.
i may be cutting into my current frags ( they were ment to be mother colonys but.. whats an extra month right lol)

rainbow monti
blue tenuis ( ?)
purple digitata
pink birdsnest
these will all be REALLY small frags ( less then one inch) and will be sold as such
( cheep under 20 bucks)

hopefully some zoas as well. growth isnt to hot on them right now tho

picts later .
a few pics of a few things i'll have.



I'll be bringing green base orange polyp digi, ora german blue polyp digi, gsp, tyree idaho grape cap, ppe's, probably some acro's, and probably random softies and zoas as I'm starting to go all sps in my tank.
I plan to bring a bunch of stuff - acros, montis, zoas, etc. I expect to have a few pieces of my leng sy cap, and may even break a few frags off of my purple bonzai. I'll post more details and even pics as we get closer to the date.
I am about to start fragging and will have mostly all sps. Many ORA peices, rainbow montipora, superman montipora, sunset montipora, tricolor acropora, bali green slimer, blue suspitchularia, multicolor millipora, pink millipora, red and green digi, and many others.

Most all of the frags will be from $10-$20, while some of the rare corals will be from $30-45 depending on size and how rare it is. If I know you then you will get a discount and am always open to trades of other corals/fish/dry goods.

I will post some pictures once all the frags are in place.

Wow! Those are some awesome Zoas...hmm...how much $$ will I need to bring...not enough frags in my tank to fund what I want!
Jess, how bout' hooking up a brother with a frag of those green people eaters. March 9th is sooo far away.
I won't be able to make the meeting tonight as it is my sisters 21st b-day.

Can I sign up for a table here instead?

My name is Michael Chong.

Please let me know who to contact if I can not do it trough the forum.

Thanks guys.