Why Are The Growing This Way?


New member
Why are these which I think are a brown zoa seem to be growing such a long steam?

gotta be light issue. never seen zoas getting necks that long unless they are super stretching towards more light.
Someone refresh me on the best bulbs for growth. I like the blueness of the 1400k, and i know that its in the middle, but is it 20k, or 10k that grow better.
I have always had EXCELLENT growth on my zoanthids and palythoas under 20K lighting.

My purple death palys, devil's armor palys, AOI's, and a bunch of "regular ones" (RIP - daughter killed them when she got ahold of the thermostat for the heater) were growing so fast I was fragging and re-fragging the previous frags every month or so just to keep things under control.
the bests for growth are 10k or 6500k cause they are closer to natural sunlight. i like the 20k cause its got a little blue in it to help actinic.
I wondered that, they are right under a 250W MH, just for refrence.

How deep?
The fact that you have MHs doesn't proof the problem is not enough light.

Did you post a picture with the first message?
I wonder because I couldn't see any.

Try move it closer to the light, horizontally.
