Why is my pollips not coming out?


New member
[/IMG] I just got this and has only be in my tank for 3 days, but I have not seen but a few coming out is this do to the new tank, my water tested out good.
Yes if you just got it, it takes acros a good week or 2 to adjust to their new home and your tank conditions. Then you'll see more polyps. Also, check it when the lights are out. It will also take it a month or so to color up for you.

What lights are you using? And how long has the tank been set up?
looks like there is still some slime on it ... try giving it a little more flow ...

Best of luck beautiful piece
The slime is from the first day it was moved I had it in the same bucket as a staghorn and they had a fight. My lights are mh 2 150 20k and 1 250 10k. I have a 240gall been set up for 5 months and my water has been very stable after the 4 week cycle. One more question the staghorn had green algae in the center I have been blowing it out with a baster is this bad for sps I am new and have had alot of softies but not sure about this.


water has been very stable after the 4 week cycle.

That's not quite enough time to start adding sps my friend. I would wait atleast a few months before adding any corals, make sure your water in free from nitrates, nitrites, and PO4 before adding sps.

I have been blowing it out with a baster is this bad for sps

YES!! Unequivocally YES!!

Your basically trying to remove green hair alage from a coral which is probably dead or dying and adding to its stress level, causing the polyp to retract into the coralite from the direct laminar flow.

Place the powerhead in an indirect manner, basically DON'T POINT IT AT CORALS.

good luck
Thanks, tanks been running for 5 months , I was saying that I let my tank cycle for 4 weeks before a few fish were added. I know 5 months is not long but I got a great deal on the coral and couldnt pass it up.:D