Why is the old skeleton of my torch breaking down?


New member
I've had my torch for a couple years and it's doing well but lately I've noticed the old skeleton is breaking down. Is this a sign of something wrong? Sooner or later it's going to break completely and I'll have to glue it on a new plug or rockwork. Any theories? It's in a 20 gallon long and I dose alk and calc. I do 5 gallon WC every 2 weeks with IO reef crystal. I don't run a skimmer.


I've got a 25-year-old Caulastrea; similar skeleton. I suspect the growth "strategy" of the skeleton given its weak points is to eventually break apart under its own weight, thus spreading the coral.
Water ph and local ph are probably not the same, so it may erode from that if something encrusting it drops local ph...

Also moving water is pretty good at erosion in general, with or without particles (which you may or may not see).
Water ph and local ph are probably not the same, so it may erode from that if something encrusting it drops local ph...

Also moving water is pretty good at erosion in general, with or without particles (which you may or may not see).

What is local ph?
I just mean that if there is some organism growing on the thing excreting (or just trapping) something it may drop (or raise) the ph in the immediate area.

Bacteria converting whatever they eat to co2 on the surface could probably etch away at the skeleton. But because its getting neutralized the ph will not change significantly.