Why ?


New member
Why is my Montis is dying but not my acros ? It is bleaching from the inside outwards ? Parameters is perfect , magnesium is high but other than that is good . You can see day by day how far the white has gone . But my green monti is good ..

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My Magnesium is really high though for some reason . I tested it 2 times and came up around 1600 both times . Don't know why it's so high when I'm not even dosing it nor done a water change in a longtime . It just started doing this like week ago

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You have to pull the colony out and look on the underside of the colony. Monti Nudis are almost never visible from the front/top.

Dave B
That does look a lot like monti eating nudi damage. Had some years ago. Your montis look healthy except where the damages is. If you have good eyes, reader glasses, or magnifying glass you should be able to spot them on the underside in the day, or night and early morning right on the damage line.
They are nearly translucent and small..
Good luck at finding the problem, those are nice healthy looking pieces.
Well a friend came over to look at the coral better and he said corals are not bleaching it's tissue dissolving away do to alk swing which I did have when I started my calcium reactorup . It went from 10.0 down to 7.6 in 3 days then I turned my doser back on to get it back to where it was and that caused the problem

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Yup. Need, ideally, to monitor pH in reactor, effluent rate, and measure alk daily until it is reliably dialed in. You may be able to eventually stop the dosing, but wean it slowly. Avoiding big shifts in Alk and system pH are key. Don't give up on it tho, it will be worth it in the long run.