wierd slime and coral problems


New member
ok so my tank has this slime all over everything. It looks like cyano but its green. Ive had cyano and conquered it. This seems different. my mille had some RTN and my tort looks like a couple of tips "peeled" off. i cant exlain it. There is flow all over the tank no dead spots. my params seem to be in check. I tested my phosphate twice and both read 0. ph is 8.2 ammonia and nitrite are 0 nitrate is about 5ppm. calcium is 400 and i cant remember alk. Im just trying to figure this out before it gets out of hand. any advice will help. Oh and this weekend im gonna pick up a couple of phosban reactors one for phosban and one for carbon. I just dont want my corals to die.

what is this slime? and could my corals be acting funny because i hit them with a turkey baster to get the slime off of them?

Be very careful with the phosban reactors!!!! Introduce 1 gram per gallon in the reactor to start.....you can really shock your system and if your corals arent doing well right now that will push them over the edge for sure!!

Carbon do what you will...but take adding GFO's very carefully!!!
thanks for that. noone told me that that adding the phosban could hurt my tank. i did a 15 gallon water change today, and got out a lot of the slimey stuff. but my only coral that was looking bad was my mille. my cali tort has never looked beter until i looked and noticed the tips. everything else looks awesome...

figured out why my mille was looking funky... he has hair algae growing on the back part where i couldnt see.

ive come to the conclusion that its not cyano i have because this stuff is totally different. Its not slimy. and grows differently. so im going to up the water changes to 10 gallons weekly and see if that makes a difference. I also hooked up my phosban reactors to help out.

wish me luck