Wife's New Clam

That clam is bad a**. Where did you find that. I so want one....please let us/me know...

Nice clam...Cameron
VERY nice!!!

Is that a Squamosa? Colors like a Maxima, but scales like a Squamaosa!!

Nice Present !

Well that is a good question. I was told it was a maxima, but you guys are the experts. They were charging the same price for the squamosa/maxima of that size, so I don't think I got robbed. Actually if it is a squamosa, that would be better....lower light.

What do you think it is? Do you need a shot from a different angle?
It sure looks like a Tridacna maxima to me. Absolutely gorgeous. Please post more pictures!
Beautiful clam.
That shell looks like it could be either Tridacna maxima or T. squamosa and the mantle definitely looks like T. maxima so I would say maxima.
goldrim, are you SURE that is for your wife :)

I have said that a few times myself. LOL

Very nice looking Max. Post more pics.

Well the clam actually was for my wife...however, due to a lack of lighting in her tank (I tried to tell her) I have moved it to my tank...what a heart breaker.
That clam looks great!! I have a question about the store. How are the prices? It looks like a great store. I might have to make the trip from Asheville.

Prices are pretty good. Kinda high on some softies, but good on clams, sps and fish/inverts. I have only been once as it is about 90 miles from my house....but I will definitely go back.
Outstanding looking clam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone know were to buy unique colorations as this on-line? I am not going to find that beauty localy I can promise you that.
Oops, I see that the place you got it from does sell online. But no pics of their clams. Any onther places to get unique/rare clams or coral for that mater.