Wifi tweaks for Evergrow blackbox LED (and possibly others)


I just picked up an Evergrow 160W wifi controllable LED. It bugged me a bit having the wifi there with its own funky network name and that I can't control the wifi channel as we have a lot of interference here.

Some poking around and I found that you can get to a web interface for the wifi router part of the light, then from there you can change things like the SSID (network name) and password. I only spent a couple of minutes on it, but it looks like there's a chance that it could be setup to join an existing wifi network. If that's doable, that would make it much friendlier to live with. I'd imagine the same thing is possible with other brand wifi controlled LEDs.

In simple terms that means that I changed the wifi from broadcasting out a name of "UTR-1K59" to broadcasting out a name of "Reef". If you have multiple lights, you could call one "left" and the other "right" or whatever makes sense to you.

If you'd like to take a look at this on yours, you need to connect to the lights wifi like normal. I connected from a PC, but this can be done from a Mac or phone / tablet. You then need to find out what the IP address is for the light. Mine was No idea if they are all the same.

From a PC you can find out by opening a command prompt and typing ipconfig /all and hit enter. Then in that output, look for your wireless adapter info and look for the DHCP server.

From a Mac you can find out by opening a terminal window and doing a ipconfig getpacket en1 and look for the server_identifier (ip) to get the IP address.

Once you have the IP enter that in a browser and for me the login and password were both admin.

From there you get a lot of basic router settings that you might be used to if you've setup wifi at home. You can change the network name, password, security type, etc. There are some mode settings there that look interesting as well.

I have no idea if pressing the reset on the fixture will put all this back, so be careful as it's possible to lock yourself out of the light or make it not usable in some other way if that reset doesn't put it back to factory settings.

The next thing I want to look at is it appears that the app talks to the fixture on port 8080. I haven't scanned to see if there are other ports involved. At some point I'll try to sniff out what is actually being sent back and forth. If that can be figured that out, it might be possible to control the lighting completely from a computer. If that were the case, it might be possible to create much more complex automation and controls for it.
Interesting. But ..i think its a good thing that it runs on its own wifi.
I went to best buy got a 10 dollar android toss phone and use it as mu wifi reef light controller wich also has an app for the lights and other remotes.

Like one big wifi controller for the house.
I suppose i could use a TouchPad and make it a house controll
Right now it is on its own wifi. I'm just talking about being able to call the wifi whatever you want and control the password and channel. If I can figure it out, I'd prefer to have connected to the house wifi so I can just start the app without having to switch networks. Also, I'd like to try and control if from a PC as well.
You would need to make a program for the PC then...
Some developers even the original developer can make a pc companion program i suppose if the demand was there.

Do you have an android PC? I stall app...or a android TV?
an amazon fireTV/stick?

Just tried it...works with rhe amazon stick so i was controllonf the lights from my tv? The sliders are iffy. The app will start.
More work later
Any updates on the ip config etc?. I just got 2 popular grow 3wx55 led black boxes with wifi using the aquadim3 android app.
Named one left and one right. Setup a schedule using the 24points system Some people have said this is a pain but it wasnt too bad. After i set it up on the first light the schedule stays in the app and was instantly applied when i logged into the other app. I did select each point and hit confirm each time to be sure. Also be sure to synchronize clocks. They were still on china time.

Im curious if i can change the ip addresses to the same one to be able to manually overide the schedule on both units at the same time. Maybe using the web interface you can rename the mac address? As with my reef keeping i know just enough to be dangerous with this stuff.

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk
Can anyone help? I have 2 of these fixtures and I was able to get into the first one when I bought it and set up the lighting schedule. I did not connect to it since.
I them purchased a 2nd unit and when I tried to connect to this light I found that I could not. I also found I could not connect to the first one either.
Any help?

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
First connect to original fixture. Id unplug the 2nd for now

Hit menu/advanced controller setup.
While connected (confirm you can change via manual) change the name from aqdim (my default) to left or right.
Hit back till you exit app.

Relaunch app and confirm its working. Hit back to exit again.

Plug in 2nd light and give it a minute.
Launch app and very quickly hit cancel so it doesnt connect to first light. If you see the connection successful toast you will have to repeat.
Hit menu/advanced setup
Now change the name to aqdim (or whatever the 2nd box wifi ssid is according to your wifi. I assume its the same cause your having issues)
Hit back till app closes.
Relaunch app
Now it should connect to 2nd light. Once connected(confirm via manual or auto modes)
Hit menu/advanced setup and change the name to right or left
(Can use anything. Front/back,small tank,55g etc)
Hit back to exit app.
Relaunch to confirm settings stick. Hit menu/ Data sync/upload to controller
Back and goto adjust clock controller whatever.

Now Whenever you want to change which light you want to control you have to open app and hit cancel/menu/advanced setup and change name then back out and relaunch.
Also I find it connects faster if you connect manually to the network first under your wifi settings. Also you may need to enter the password here anyways. My Default is 12345678
Do this for both lights. So the password is stored. Then you might as well long press on the aqdim ssid and hit forget network