will it live ? ( fragging accident)


In Memoriam
today i decided to frag my recently fraged florida ricordia
anyways. i took a razorblade but missed the mouth ( cut it more like 1/2 way between the edge anf the mouth

will it live? will the part wiht out a mouth live?

if it dies i wont be too upset as i already have 3 more that i fraged from this mother that are healing nicly
ancient reefer secret

no really

you just cut them down the center and prey for the best.. or if you want to do somthing that will actualy help you can keep your water as clean as possiable to prevent infections

lots of ppl ask me how at the lfs. and even after showing them. they still fail ( coral never heals then melts away)
well its for my gf's tank she has pristine water :) She has some ricordia with like 3 mouths. so you can just cut a mouth off ? and it should grow into its own ric ?
yes thats an even easier way of doing it they usualy heal faster that way also ( since they already did half the work of growing a new mouth
mushrooms will live threw about anything it is posible to throw a few in the blender and spred the mess over some rubble to make a colony in a couple months