Will this be enough lighting for a 29g? Odyssea lights


New member
Hello there! My name is Derick. I am fairly new to this hobby, and brand new to the forums!
I am currently working on a 29g reef tank.
So far, I have:
- 35lbs live rock, from a 6yr. old tank
- 20lbs live sand
- 404 fluval canister filter with carbon, ammonia absorbing media (white rocks), chemi-pure
- 2 ocellaris clownfish
- A rotating wavemaker

Anways, I want to eventually add corals to my tank, so I have been looking for a good lighting fixture to buy. I am not sure what would be sufficient though. I have been looking at three items in specific:

1. Odyssea 30" 346W Metal Halide System Advance Plus
2. Odyssea 24" 96W (4x 24W) T5 HO Quad Deluxe Light Fixture w/Built-in Digital Timer
3. Odyssea 24" 298W Metal Halide System Extendable Series

What I like about each unit:
1. I like the design and that it has 4 T5 bulbs. I am not sure how the cords work though, because it says there are two power cords (HQI and T5) and 4 switches on the unit (HQI, T5's, led's, fan). But I don't understand how you could turn on the led's or fan if both the power cords were turned off. So from where does the fan and led's draw their power?
2. I like the built in timer, and single power cord. However, would this unit provide enough light to grow coral?
3. I love that this has 4 separate power cords, so I can run timers however I want.

So for my 29g tank, which unit would be the best to grow any type of coral I want in the future. I am also afraid that it might be overkill though.. Anyone have experience with either of these units? Your feedback or information would be greatly appreciated!!

I have read some bad things about Odyssea... But then again, you can find horror stories about any brand. I am attracted to their products because they are 3x cheaper than all the other brands, and I don't have very much money to spend on lighting.

Also, if you know if a DIFFERENT lighting fixture that would work better for me (and in my price range - under $200), please let me know! Thanks for all your help! =D