
Tony Romano

New member
I am attempting to connect Linksys Wireless G to WLAN on Profilux Plus II

I can't enter ip of (or any 10.x.x.x)

Also i don't see any security setting on device or in software...???

New unit tonight, question 1 of 6 million

This is a repost I wrote some time ago. It might be helpful.

Long note. Hopefully it's a helpful start.

Instructions are available for wlan setup. You can get the manual here: http://www.ghl-kl.de/Produkte/Aquar...LAN_new_eng.pdf

The instructions appear confusing, but they do work if you follow them to the letter. It sounds like you're trying to set up wlan on the unit itself -- an impossible task! Well, maybe not impossible, but horrible. Much easier to plug the Profilux into a laptop by serial or usb and program from there.

You'll also need to designate a permanent ("static") dns string for your profilux through the router's control interface (again, by means of a laptop or pc that has access to your router). For example, designate (for Linksys users only; DLink strings don't look like this). You must do this step, unfortunately; and it makes life much easier. Just don't start assigning other devices that don't need it. Just tackle the Profilux.

So, start by accessing your router. Not knowing how much you know about wireless router configuration, I'm going to be safe: you access your router config by opening a web browser on your computer and keying in your router access address. For Linksys routers, this is usually ""; then you enter your admin user name and password. If you haven't established a username and password (you should!), you just type in "admin" as the user and leave the password blank -- just as anyone else in wireless range would do to hijack your router. Once there, grab a pen and jot down everything, or save and print screen shots of your progress. Set a permanent DNS address for your profilux. You can then return to your Profilux and go through the connect procedures to see if you can connect. If you've written everything down, you'll get the CHANNEL number and device address settings to match perfectly. Don't touch any other number settings unless invited to do so. If every number is perfect, you'll link.

If you connect (it may be slow; e.g 15 seconds, depending on various things), then you can proceed to adjust wireless security settings, which you've written down with your trusted pen before deactivating security on your router. If a screen appears instantly that says you can't connect, it's a simple discrepancy between your router and the Profilux. Go through all the steps again.

Once you're connecting properly to the Profilux from another wirelesscomputer on the router's network (or wired computer, I guess; doesn't matter) , you can then input the security settings on the profilux and save it. Then, and only then (e.g. with an established connection) should you proceed to reengage your router's wireless security settings -- which need to correspond exactly on the Profilux. Once security is reestablished, your (wireless) computer will likely no longer have access to your network, so you'll have to reconfigure your laptop to recognize and connect properly with the (now secure) wireless network.

If everything worked, you can attempt to connect wirelessly to your Profilux. If you didn't connect, I'd recommend you start over again, painfully re-reading the instructions to find the error in your procedure. It's often something horrible simple, like a channel setting (e.g. 5 instead of 11, etc.).

Read the guide above as if you were a surgeon! Follow each step surgically, so to speak, and if you get hung up along the way, note where connectivity failed to work. You can PM me and/or post to this particular thread and I'll get back to you asap.

Hope this helps. I've been meaning to write an easy-start blurb for wlan, but haven't had a moment to think. Perhaps guiding you through this process might help me get to it.


Ok - I understand networking just fine - do it for a living.

Is the idea here the WLAN card talks directly to wireless card in host PC? I do not have wireless in my PC and as added fun there are 3 PCs a print server and a second router!

I turned off security on Wireless router (
Programmed unit via controls to, no on ad-hoc.
Attempted to ping PF unit from router - no reply.
you must enter an IP which fits to the range of your router and PC. Usually this is something with 192.....

What IP does your PC have ? (this is displayed in the ProfiLuxControl WLAN setup dialog)

No wireless on computer with PF software - does the WLAN route traffic via wireless router or direct to PC? I am trying to understand limitations to WLAN on PF.
Ok - Here is what I can tell.

The WLAN unit communicates find directly to my laptop - using as IP of PH. Using windows wireless connection and static IP on laptop i can connect fine. My PC does not have wireless card.

As best i can understand what is happening - usually WLAN is expecting simple network with 192.x.x.x/24 ( if I tell it 10.0.0.x it expects /8 ( - not 100% sure on what is going on here.

I strongly suspect I can add wireless card to my PC with 2d IP of 192.168.0.x and everything would work fine.
Do remember that most of your programming needs to be done WIRED with your serial or usb/serial cable. Your main pc doesn't need to be wireless, in the end. The profilux is accessible through the router, and then is accessible through any computer on the network.

As I said in my first note, read the instructions painstakingly. I'm familiar with networking, too, and I agree: the process wasn't P&P...but all of the errors in the process were my own, in the end.

Also, do scan through the ealier Profilux forum threads to wlan subjects and you'll find other advice.

You'll get it in the end. Just be methodical and painstainkingly instruction-oriented.
Also I don't understand DNS part...

"Set a permanent DNS address for your profilux"

I don't see a place to do this in Linksys

Should I be able to ping like any other IP hosts or are there some limitations here?
The problem was my mask on 10.x.x.x network was a C not default A.

The ability to program mask and GW in firmware would be a million bucks.

I've managed to kill my WLAN card - I was adding 2d PC and looked at WLAN card setting then blamo gone.

I can"t find documnet on how to setup.

Anyone out there have it?