Reef Guru
Trying to throw something together for the frag swap. Right now it consists of a LED PAR38 Spotlight, a HOT Magnum hang on filter with carbon, a Sicce powerhead and a Stealth heater. Gotta get alot of coral moved over to it, and get a decent light on it. Richard, I may need that 150 halide back from you as I changed my mind about the T5 fixture since it can't have stonies under it. That LED is one powerful dude. It could grow anything. Par meter shows better PAR than my 150 halides on my display tank. Actually, I could stay with the LED if I could find a way to mount it a foot above the tank. The light spread gets larger the higher I go and covers most of the tank at the right height. And it still has good PAR readings at that higher height. Right now, it is just clamped on the lip;.