worls largest aquarium


New member
My wife said that there is a show on tonight at 7 eastern time for us on the travel channel about the worlds largest aquarium.
i wish I would have been able to see that show.

anybody got a name or title, so I can get a copy
The place was in spain I beleave. I'm sure a search would bring it up. I was surprised all the corals were fake. You would think they would have to have a reef in there somewhere.
The show was produced before the ATL aquarium was opened. BTW, the ATL has a HUGE reef exhibit with real corals. Its Awsome. A device actually simulates the surf .

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6529050#post6529050 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by elephen
Largest in the world is the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta.

Bigger than my 150g? Bah.... Impossible!

I watched it last night. Good show. I'm really surprised they didn't use any real coral in any of the tanks too.

Now they need a show about the Atlanta aquarium in HD. :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6529472#post6529472 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slik_dude@yahoo
The show was produced before the ATL aquarium was opened. BTW, the ATL has a HUGE reef exhibit with real corals. Its Awsome. A device actually simulates the surf .


Most of the corals in the reef exhibit are artificial while they are waiting for the smaller colonies to grow up. :)
All the auariums I have been to have artificial concrete rock forms that have corals placed on them. I don't think they excavate that much live rock
I wonder where they dig out that much real reef?


I read that Atlanta placed several tons of dead rock out near fiji for a couple of years and then "harvested" the rock that was put out.