Wrasse question


New member
I'm planning a bare bottom tank and would like to stock at least one Wrasse that hunts and eats zoa pests. I don't want to get one that burrows in the sand since I won't have any.

Any ideas?

My tank is bare bottom and my Yellow Coris does just fine. I know they love to burrow, but he just snuggles up under the rocks and sleeps. I have had this wrasse for a long time and most of those years he was in sand tanks. I couldn't get rid of him just 'cause I went BB.
Yellow coris wrasses are very calm, very little aggressive tendencies, etc. Four/six/eightline wrasses are well known to have major agression issues, sometimes out of the middle of nowhere years after you've had them. Due to their hiding ability, maneuverability, and speed, they're very difficult to capture as well.

My yellow inhabited my frag tank for years. Started out sleeping in a sand container, but ended up liking to snuggle in rocks instead. If you go that route, assume it might do either.
Could you explain what you did here. I've been thinking of a way to have a section of sand. I don't see how I could keep it contained.

It won't contain it 100% no, but it does a pretty good job. It kind of depends on your tank and where you can hide it. It's an old barebottom wrasse trick that many use. Suctioning a little of sand that gets out isn't a big deal, its more of a situation of hiding the container in the system if you don't want to see it. Give it enough time and it will cover with coralline just like rock.

Basically you find a container of suitable size for your wrasse to bury in and put enough sand that it doesn't smack the bottom. I've used a 9x9x4 cookie container over the years for larger fish. My yellow coris used it in my frag tank, and recently my leopard wrasse while I was breaking down and building my new LPS tank.

Brain in sand, ricordia, and the bottom container (which my clowns are in) are for my 5" leopard.