Wtb Lr


Looking for good sized LR for my new 135. If you have some decent sized rock that is healthy please PM me. Not looking for dried out or new rock, prefer LR that is in a tank and will need no cycle or curing.
Keep a eye on craigslist. Sometimes someone is taking down their setup and you can get some great deals.

I got my 100lbs from a local guy who was taking down his old tank.
Can't beat 100lbs for $100. :D
That's a Deal! (a $/LB.!!!)

I too was a beneficiary of someone knocking down an old (150) tank, but I had to take 141#'s of very mature 'shroom encrusted rock for $500. (But it came with many many "hitchickers". Like a 4" Sacro, to name a few.)

I know that MemFish had some larger rocks in their Tubs. Like 12 Inchers long. Not bad. They would have made nice pillars, but I couldn't use them.
Got a buddy with a 75 gallon reef tank and a 300 gallon reef tank. They are both for sell. I will ask them if they will part with their live rock only and let you know.
I bought some nice chunks at Memfish. They had some nice flat pieces and some interesting finger like pieces that will make a nice upgrade to the aquascape. I also bailed on my completely bare bottom (Tank, foo!, stay focused!) tank idea. I found some white/black sand and some larger grain aragonite that will put a nice 1" bottom on it. No more DSB for me. Just waiting to see how out of whack the params are now before I can transfer some coral. I am armed with a couple bottles of Bio-Spira, so I think I am prepared to ward off any potential spikes.
If someone does run across some LR in the next few days, I am still interested in some larger pieces.