Wtb mp40

Might just buy more hydors a if I can't find a new used one near new for like $150/$75 less.. Don't want to pay full retail. If anyone sees one for sale somewhere can you pm me? Lol
Might just buy more hydors a if I can't find a new used one near new for like $150/$75 less.. Don't want to pay full retail. If anyone sees one for sale somewhere can you pm me? Lol

Since they sell for $325 or $350 now you're talking about getting one for a little over $200. The only ones I've seen anywhere near that price point have been since the Quiet Drive came out, and they were pretty old pumps.
Might just buy more hydors a if I can't find a new used one near new for like $150/$75 less.. Don't want to pay full retail. If anyone sees one for sale somewhere can you pm me? Lol

I have two wp25's I am selling for $20 each.

Just the pumps though no controller (they can be picked up for cheap on ebay)