WTB: Purple Tang


New member
If any of you have a Purple Tang you would like to sell or know of a pet store around here that has one please let me know.

Coral Reef will have some nice ones, or usually do, later in the year when the hobby is in season. You need to make sure that your system is stable as well. Give it some time with your tank being only a few weeks old. Also, if I remember right, you want to add a purple tang last to your tank because they can be pretty aggressive.
Alright, I am in no big hurry. I'll just wait until Coral Reef gets in a nice looking one.

As for putting the tang in last, from my reading it said they are only aggressive towards fish with similar body shapes. I don't plan to have anything similar to the tang in the tank so I am not really sure whether or not this will be an issue.

Here is my fish list for the tank:

2 x False Percula Clown
1 x Dottyback (Pseudochromis)
1 x Purple Tang
1 x Green Mandrin

My plan was to introduce the Mandrin to the tank last.
All the "exoctic" tangs are very ich prone,especially as jueveniles. I would seriously consider another show fish, not to say that it wouldn't work, would hate to see a new system get off to a rough start like that.