Wtb: Rbta


New member
Hello everyone-
I am new to the area and looking to buy a RBTA for my new clowns. I am hoping someone may have a clone they want to get rid of. LMK.

I have some Bubble tip anemones. two are light brown colored and the rest are pinkish purple. neither are the vivid colors of some that I have seen. However, they are pretty and my clowns love them.
thanks for the quick reply OcEaN-BluE. The pinkish purple sounds interesting, but I am sorry to say the better half really wants a rose bubble tip.

not sure how far you are but I have one I could do for 60 it is light rosey pink and very bubbly....I live near marion, il 62959
Thanks for the offer. 4 hour drive is probably not in the plan, but I will keep you on the list.

not sure how far you are but I have one I could do for 60 it is light rosey pink and very bubbly....I live near marion, il 62959