WTB: some corals


In Memoriam
Well I just moved my tank down from orlando about 2 weeks ago. Sadly to say I lost some corals. I'm looking to replace them if anyone has any of these for some decent prices. Most of it I got through trades.

pink and green tip frogspawn
any colored frogspawn
tyree blue chalice
fuzzy mushrooms
candy cane
Orange cap
green cap

thats what I had die...TeAR!!!

and then any beatiful colored zoos, mushrooms, or rics.

I don't have much to trade, but i might be able to frag up a couple of my corals. Let me know!
I have a hammer that I fragged off a while ago and is halfway through branching again. I am really looking for some blue striped mushroom if you have it, otherwise money is always accepted, say $20?? Its splitting pretty well.
i have a decent frogspawn that has to be larger than a softball in size. decent green color, nothing special tho. pm me with any corals you want to frag as i would trade for some nice stuff and maybe a little bit of $.
thanks for everyones offers. I've been insanely busy with work and school so i havent been able to pm back, and sadly to say i'm about to run out to dinner in 5 min and i gotta shower too. LOL Hopefully I'll send out some pm's tonight. Thanks