Looking to get back into the hobby and would like to buy a system with a display thats 120+ gallons (4-5ft long). Ideally will have something along the lines of the following:
mp40 x2
good skimmer (something like a octopus regal 2000)
dosing pump
apex controller
apex ato
ecotech return pump
radion xr30 pros x2
RODI unit
will take livestock, rock, and corals also
This particular list of equipment isn't a must, but similar high quality equipment is.
This can be the easiest sale ever for someone not wanting to part out!
mp40 x2
good skimmer (something like a octopus regal 2000)
dosing pump
apex controller
apex ato
ecotech return pump
radion xr30 pros x2
RODI unit
will take livestock, rock, and corals also
This particular list of equipment isn't a must, but similar high quality equipment is.
This can be the easiest sale ever for someone not wanting to part out!