WTMRAC Decoder List


New member
Okay, I have summarized and sorted by your tag name....

Club Name Real Name
adamhill = Adam Hill
Defuse = Scott Jones
FlyingRev = Jack Hollis
grannybj = Betty Jane Sparrow
insanityink2= Bryan Childress
jabo = Jason Foster
jlpropst00= Jonathan Propst
keaton = Pam Irving
kristenpse= Kristen Jones
Mako Shark II= Marty Klauss
nck1992 = Nam Kim
neuroslicer= Jay Blundon
One Reef = Jay Page
PensFan05+= Chris Fuller
powerkit = Amy Pratt
Rburt = Richard Burt
Reef264 = Cody Wilson
Reefdiver77= Vicki Moore
Rendos = Richard Rendos
rockfanmidsounth= Wendy Baldwin
Rudolph = Kerry Rudolph

If you are a new member and care to reveal you real name, please post away...

Once again, this list makes it easier to remeber people if you come to a meeting or a FRAG SWAP.....and only know everyone by their tag name. Our members seem to have somewhat normal ones, but there are some crazy ones out there.

I know some names of other club members, but did not post them since you did not respond to the original thread. So, don't be offended if I left your name off, as I had to assume you did not want to post your name. Feel free to add away.
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I'm counting four names on the list above who aren't currently WTMRAC members. While RC is a public forum not belonging to our club, it would certainly be nice to have your support as members. And payment Saturday at the Frag Swap will save you the $5 admission fee.

Support your local reefers!
Just curious, I paid through the website about a month ago and never have received any conformation of that. I figured it was because folks are busy getting the swap lined up. Just wanna make sure my name makes that master list (assuming there is some master list).
We have a master list of members, and when they paid and when membership renewals are due... that list is current as of this morning. So we know who you are! ;.)

(at least on paper... if we haven't met you in person please hunt us down and introduce yourself at the frag swap!)

We've all been really busy and promise to catch up with membership cards in the very near future!

Jay B.