WTT: 250w 15K XM SE Bulb for some corals/frags


New member
I have a 6 week old 250w SE 15K XM bulb I want to trade for some coral/frags let me know what you have.

I have some kenya tree, some green mushrooms, and some GSPY probly don't want anything that I have but everything else isn't ready to frag just yet
I like it personally the color is great and growth seemed unoticable, but my wife seems to like the color of your Ushios 10k better. So now I have this 15k sitting around. Eric, by the way thanks for the Ushios.
If she liked the 10K look I would go for the XM 10K after the Ushios are done. Only because of the par.
How much did you want for the bulb. I am not really in need for one but would like to try it out. You know what I have for corals so if you want we could do a trade. Let me know
i live in milwaukee wi and i have some frags of some stuff i can email you some pics can i get your email