WWC Orlando


New member
Hey guys so this Sunday on my way back down to Miami, i took a small detour and headed over to World Wide Corals, in Orlando

They had officially closed but I spoke with Victor and Ryan who didnt mind waiting for me to get there.

Ridiculous, is one of the only words that come to mind,

they had the SICKEST front displays i have EVER seen and their coral tanks were out of this world, they had everything you could want and i ended up spending almost double what i wanted to spend.

I suggest anyone who is in central florida and has a thing for nice exotic looking corals to take a trip over there. They had extremely nice corals and didnt mind fragging me the exact sized i wanted

anyways i got these...

Nuclear Halo blue polyp zoos
Purple Deaths (although they arent as purple as all the pics i see of them online)
Nuclear Green (neon green almost yellow!)
Purple Heart Zoos, which i thought looked like cooler PPEs, we'll see as they grow
Blue Polyp Lime Green monti cap, (something ive been wanting for a while)
and a 2" green rim ricordea with orange center, really nice bright piece!

I came home to encounter a temp problem (a lil high) but still all the frags opened up by the next day and look extremely healthy

Again, thank you victor and ryan for your great patience and help with me
and i suggest anyone to take a trip up there and bring double what you plan to spend

hope to get pics up whenever i get a camera decent enough and a website to host them.
now aren't you guys all proud that I came home that first time and put up a post? I think everyone that's been there can say it beats any fish store they've been in. well maybe 99% just to stay safe because I know some people have been over to cali and over seas...

I'm planning on stopping by there this weekend...but I don't know if I'll have any money to spend. I really need to save for an ACJR instead of buying more coral. aka if anybody wants some cheap coral and would like to fund the "keith wants to have money to spend at wwc" fund then give me a call and come on over! lol
lol we have the same taste because you bought almost the same items I did besides the ricordea.

Once I sell off some frag packs soon I am going to place an order with them. It is ony $20 to ship anywhere in florida so I am going to save the time and gas and just give them a call. ;)

if you guys want...I usually go to orlando on a monthly basis to visit and stop by there on the way home. if for some reason you couldn't go up and didn't want to order I could possibly buy anything for you. you would have to pay in advance though. I'll be going up there fri and coming home sunday. just a thought if anyones interested.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12338892#post12338892 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
now aren't you guys all proud that I came home that first time and put up a post? I think everyone that's been there can say it beats any fish store they've been in. well maybe 99% just to stay safe because I know some people have been over to cali and over seas...

I'm planning on stopping by there this weekend...but I don't know if I'll have any money to spend. I really need to save for an ACJR instead of buying more coral. aka if anybody wants some cheap coral and would like to fund the "keith wants to have money to spend at wwc" fund then give me a call and come on over! lol

People here in FMAS have been going there for years, its definitely a awesome store and have only had the pleasure of going by once. I am definitely going to be taking a trip up there in the next few weeks.

-Mike C.
That store is incredible! The sheer quantity of corals is amazing! I went looking for some radioactive green zoos. they not only had 1 or 2, they had 15 to choose from. That's the case with almost all their corals. They will soon be doing fish aswell.
Miami has good stores, but this stands alone as far as selection goes for me.