x2 ORA Tank Raised Lemon Damsels for sale (Peaceful) - Dublin


Active member
I bought three from Reef Systems, QT'd them with prophilactic copper, prazi and antibiotics, and introduced to the 108g DT... well my clown decided he didn't like them, so I gave them some time and decided to pull them.* They got chased a lot, but these little buggers would go right back into the water column and swim around like nothing happened.* Fins never got nipped, just chased.* Fat and healthy and disease free.* I paid $20 a pop since they are ORA tank bread and were QT'd before I bought them, (I still QT'd them anyways)*

I'm selling 2 for $10 a piece.* I am only keeping 1 of the 3 so 2 available for sale.*Both will work fine together.* They are sort of like blue tail or azure damsels, very peaceful, but all yellow.* when they were in QT they didn't get aggressive with each other.* They may establish a pecking order but never chasing or bullying.* I don't want to get rid of them, but sump living isn't living at all.

I live in Hilliard/Dublin Ohio and will be around this week, this weekend and next weekend (M-F next week I am out of town.)

Here's ORA's page about them:*https://www.orafarm.com/product/lemon-damsel/

I can attach pics if interested.