xenia anyone?


Premium Member
i think it is time i got rid of some of my xenia
i got some from a local several months back and i think it is time i return the favor. if anyone is interested let me know
i am in buckingham.
also if anyone is interested in trading a frag, i have a nice pipe organ with 40+ polyps that i started growing in a shell

thanks for the offer. I would apsolutely LOVE some xenia SOOOOO MUCH !!!!!!!! lol but it's to bad you live 142 miles away from me. lol I live in Holiday. But thanks for returning the favor.
chuck sorry bro, i don't want to take a chance with the temps still in florida.
once the temp gets cooler i will repost and see if you are still interested.

wiz you are more than welcome to some.
let me know when you have time
I will be in Ft. Myers, the weekend of Nov. 4 & 5th, I would love to get some Zenia from you if possible, if you think you would still have some then. I live in Sebring ( middle of the state), about 1 1/2 hours away from you. I will PM you and give you my phone #.
firedog i have more than i know what to do with.
they obviously like something about my tank because they grow like weeds
you are more than welcome to some

Thank You!

I'm not too sure about the ricordia ... a bit of it died ... theres a large spot where tissue disappeared - i don't htink that was there before.
But the Xenias, and the Pipe Organ made it just fine.

Thanks again!