yashia goby stuck in refugium, again?


New member
well i set my refugium up this week and the first night i noticed my yashia shrimp goby had ventured down my overflow box and into the refugium. the refugium is 30g with 5in sand, gracillaria, and chaetomorpha, i also added 5 portions of pods from floridapets.com (great place). its gravity fed from one of my returns in my overflow box in my 220g tank. the main tank contains about 250lbs of live rock and also has live sand, so the goby should be happy in there. anyway, the first time i caught the goby and put it back in the main. however, last night i noticed it had once again got in between the grid teeth in the overflow box and luckily went down the right drain to the refugium and not the one to the skimmer and sump. the main purpose of my refugium is to feed my tank with pods. i have alot of anthias, fairy wrasses, etc. and i plan to keep a dragonet goby. im worried that this fish will eat my pending pod population in the refugium. should i keep moving it? will it really eat that much of my pods and dampen the population? any advice?
my strawberry pseudochromis lived in my filter area of my nano cube for 2 months and is still alive he made his way back into the main tank after topping off the tank with too much water.
common issue with small gobies...they actually look for holes/tubing to swim up into sometimes. once they manage to get into overflow they just head into u tube and down the drain eventually. try using mess over all draining fittings
but do you guys think it will harm the pod population if left in there? i know some fish if given the opportunity will eat everything available.
I would do as they said above and return him to the tank. Use either mesh on the drains or eggcrate over the top of the overflow.