Yellow growth at base of Xenia?


New member
Is the yellow growth normal for Xenia? Now, it is almost about to come off and is the size of a pea. There is some Xenia tissue now exposed. Just wanted to make sure everything is ok and healthy.
i cannot say this is exactly what it is but from what i heard and have experienced with xenia is that it can go threw times of growth and then times of die off. when i first saw that yellow growth at the bottom of my xenia i didnt know what it as so i asked a guy at my local aq. store and he said that was dieoff. there could be many reasons for the dieoff but from my experience i learned that i needed to add iron to my water because my macro algea, and corals(esp. soft corals) used up most of my iron in my tank. after i started dosing kent liquid iron my xenia has looked alot healthier and hasnt experienced dieoff. im not saying that this is def. your issue or that your xenia is unhealthy but it is something to consider.