You guys make it difficult

David Corbett

10 & Over Club
You use to be able to order from you guys, type in your credit card # and BAM your done! Then you made use start setting up an account with an ID and a password so we would then have to remember our ID and pswd. even if it had been months since our last order. NOW we have to go through all that plus set up a pay pal account I just got ****ed off and quit I had an order for 264 dollars ready to execute got to the pay pal part and bailed. Other companies don't make me jump through hoops to spend money with them what's up?
I like dealing with you guys your stand up people but I just want to click this click that type in my credit card # and be done. Just some constructive criticism, I'm done. DOC
OK I figured it out a new box has been added I didn't select type of card it defaults to Pay Pal so from then on everything was wrong, my bad. Order has been placed. DOC

Sorry you had so much trouble with the online store. Some of those settings we can't change. Like setting up the account, it use to have a bypass, but now makes you.

THen i added Paypal, because i want to offer as many payment methods as possible, but it puts the most recent addition at the top. You are not the first to make the mistake of thinking paypal was required. Hopefully one of these days they'll make it say "choose one" instead of just putting one as default.


I, too, defaulted to and paid through PayPal. It was for a chiller, so I wanted to charge it to a rewards card for the mileage. Since it was my first order, I thought PayPay is the only way to go.

Upside is that PayPal is my eBay "kitty" for used stuff that I sell from to time, so the wife didn't see the cost of the chiller. :)