Premium Member
Hi all, I could use some advice about one of my zoa colonies. I bought this a couple of month ago from a fellow reefer and it has been doing fine until about two weeks ago. Now, it stays mostly closed, while several others in this tank are doing just fine. This colony sits about mid way up in my tank.
The tank is 150 gallons and has been set up for about 8 years, but it was completely rebuilt about a year ago. I think my water parameters are spot on. Alk is 9.8, Calcium is 490, Mg is 1260, Phosphates are 0.03, salinity is 1.025, temp ranges between 78 and 80. The tank is lit with three AI LEDs, max intensity is 50% for the blues, and 25% for the white.
I ran this problem by a very smart LFS owner today, he double checked and confirmed my parameters and he suspects one of my fish is the culprit, he thinks the purple tang is the likely suspect. Other fish in the tank include a ****** trigger, mystery wrasse, flame wrasse, Hawaiian fire wrasse, several chromis, a mandarin goby, and a bi color blenny. We have been watching the tank all evening and none of the fish pay much attention to this particular colony, but the tang does graze over just about everything in the tank, hard to tell if he is nipping at anything.
What I don't get is why this colony is having problems and several others are doing OK. The only real difference is that this colony is a bit (12 inches) higher in the tank than the others. Not sure how much of a factor that could be. I could move it deeper, but that would not be easy because of the size of the rock.
The only other change to this tank was that I started to use Coralife salt mix a month or so ago. Other than that, the calcium reactor keeps everything pretty steady. The only other water treatment is skimming with an ATB skimmer and two upflow reactors set up in series with Phosban and then carbon.
I appreciate any advice from my fellow reefers. Should I use something like Revive at this point? Thanks!
The tank is 150 gallons and has been set up for about 8 years, but it was completely rebuilt about a year ago. I think my water parameters are spot on. Alk is 9.8, Calcium is 490, Mg is 1260, Phosphates are 0.03, salinity is 1.025, temp ranges between 78 and 80. The tank is lit with three AI LEDs, max intensity is 50% for the blues, and 25% for the white.
I ran this problem by a very smart LFS owner today, he double checked and confirmed my parameters and he suspects one of my fish is the culprit, he thinks the purple tang is the likely suspect. Other fish in the tank include a ****** trigger, mystery wrasse, flame wrasse, Hawaiian fire wrasse, several chromis, a mandarin goby, and a bi color blenny. We have been watching the tank all evening and none of the fish pay much attention to this particular colony, but the tang does graze over just about everything in the tank, hard to tell if he is nipping at anything.
What I don't get is why this colony is having problems and several others are doing OK. The only real difference is that this colony is a bit (12 inches) higher in the tank than the others. Not sure how much of a factor that could be. I could move it deeper, but that would not be easy because of the size of the rock.
The only other change to this tank was that I started to use Coralife salt mix a month or so ago. Other than that, the calcium reactor keeps everything pretty steady. The only other water treatment is skimming with an ATB skimmer and two upflow reactors set up in series with Phosban and then carbon.
I appreciate any advice from my fellow reefers. Should I use something like Revive at this point? Thanks!