New member
So I got a nice frag for $9.99 at my LFS and I was wondering why this particular frag just kept closing. Of course I thought it was the many amphipods and such that live underneath it that walk across often. Today I looked a little closer and saw a moving head!! this thing looked EXACTLY like my zoa's skirt! I wish I could've gotten a pic but it squished as soon as I used tweezers to take it off :/ I dipped the coral to be sure. Pretty little things but man were my zoas mad!
Anyone have pictures of what eggs look like? I tried to check the coral as well as I could, but didn't see anything nor did I know what to look for. anyway, here's a pic of the coral before, but I don't see any pests. It's still opening as we speak from the dip and me poking at it lol. :lol2: Interesting that these 2 nudis were only one this frag when I have a huge zoa rock and a smaller frag right next door. maybe they preferred this one.
Anyone have pictures of what eggs look like? I tried to check the coral as well as I could, but didn't see anything nor did I know what to look for. anyway, here's a pic of the coral before, but I don't see any pests. It's still opening as we speak from the dip and me poking at it lol. :lol2: Interesting that these 2 nudis were only one this frag when I have a huge zoa rock and a smaller frag right next door. maybe they preferred this one.