zoa frags not happy


New member
I've got a couple frags that for the life of me can't get to open. My parameters are good.ph8.2..alk9..calc420..nitra10..mag1280..everything else is 0. I have other frags around them doing great. Can't figure it out...any ideas?
How new are these frags? how long have they been in that spot?
did you do any kind of dip before putting them in?

It could be that they dont like the flow rate you have them in some like higher/lower flow

They could be having issues with the lighting as well either too much or too little.

If they are new they may just take some time to settle in and open up
I've had these particular frags for about 3 months. The only thing I've changed was the returned nozzles. The paddles I was using were getting old and not holding together...so I installed anew locline. Spraybar system...but turned the flow down to match the old. They were hatting life before that though.
I would say wait a little more and they will probably open.
Sometimes the polyps can close for a while and open without problems.
If they don't have a film on them, don't look like they're melting, loosing color or there is no predators, I would wait. Specially if you didn't change anything recently.

A picture would help.
