Anyone have tips on how to heal zoas faster after fragging?
I fragged a red hornet and its been about two weeks and it hasn't fully opened up yet.
How long can it take to heal?
No one can say. Far too many variables come into play from what you have shared.
1. How long has it been in your tank before you fragged it?
2. How big was the colony you fragged it from, meaning how many polyps orginally?
3. Did you remove it and frag it or did you frag this single polyp in tank?
4. If you damaged it, did you swab it with Lugols as Lugouls has medicinal properties which will aid in the quick healing process?
5. What did you do with it after you fragged it. Did you reattach it to something? If so, what and how?
6. Did you do any reading on how to frag?
If fragged correctly they heal withiw a fee days but it's best to let them sit untouched for at least a week. Fragging in and of itself is traumatic, so really no one can give you an answer right now. I would leave it on the substrate, slightly off center of any pendant lighting if you have it, in line with current, run your actinics only for 2 days if possible, it won't negatively affect anything in your system. At this point it is just wait and see my friend. Good luck and I hope it comes around for you soon.