zoa not growing

shane reef

New member
OK I have had this frag of zoas for 10 months and nothing. It started with 10 heads and still at 10 heads. How do I make them multiple?
what lights do you have, where are the zoas placed, what are your parameters, what size tank, what kind of fish you have
They were in 210g with cree led fixtures. Now I have moved into 29g nano tank with led. Only a pair of clown fish, 8.1ph salinity 1.025 temp 77.
only one clown in your 29g tank is probably the problem. a high turnover of nutrients is important for coral nutrition. this means lots of feeding and lots of skimming, and usually other ways of reducing nitrate and/or phosphate. increase your fish load, increase your feeding, and make sure your skimming and nutrient export can handle it. you will surely see some results.

also make sure the lighting is not so strong that they are shrinking away from it. For zoas i like to keep them in as low light as I can, without them stretching towards the light. except for certain varieties that have better color in high light.

honestly you should be glad they haven't disappeared. I had a few frags slowly wither away to nothing from too much light and not enough nutrients (even my sps were all pale) until I figured it out.
Good point rub 500!
I would suggest to target feed the zoas instead of feeding more the fish. Just make sure the fish have a good nutritious food and the zoas too.
You can target feed the zoas any good coral food like Coral Frenzy or Reef Roids.
Once a week is enough. Just offer what the ingest.
Keep the skimmer running and nice clean water with a good maintenance schedule.

Keep in mind there is much more to zoas' health than just light and food... ;)

That's my $.02.
