Zoa tank with led???


New member
I have a small 5 gallon frag tank with a 21w led par38 it has 3 blue 3 white and 1 warm white, its about 40cm above my frag tank and is very bright with a nice bloe glow.
Problem. I put the zoas from my display tank into the frag tank and they wouldnt really open fully they would just shrivvel up and half open. I let them rest for a month because i know about light acclimation ehich i didnt do due to not having a dimmer, was this just becuase of this or are my leds to strong??
I have a small 5 gallon frag tank with a 21w led par38 it has 3 blue 3 white and 1 warm white, its about 40cm above my frag tank and is very bright with a nice bloe glow.
Problem. I put the zoas from my display tank into the frag tank and they wouldnt really open fully they would just shrivvel up and half open. I let them rest for a month because i know about light acclimation ehich i didnt do due to not having a dimmer, was this just becuase of this or are my leds to strong??

Assuming that your little frag tank has good water params and it's free of predators/irritators, if the problem is light shock, you should simply put a mosquito screen over the tank while you're adapting the zoas to it. That should do it!

BUT, make sure the water params are good and everything else…
Hope the system has a good filtration too!

It looks very new. Perhaps you should wait more to introduce the polyps!

Yeh there all at 0 pH at 8.3 calcium st 440 and kh at 11 I am a little worried about my very low nitrates as apparently ZOA's like slightly dirty water?? And my filtration is 1 kg live rock cheato refugium with live sand and poly filter
And my system is around a month old I use to have clownfish in it to see if it could cope with livestock and it did
One month is way too new. I would wait 'til it's at least like 3 months or so"¦ Just me.

I still have a hard time to understand what people refer to "dirty water" for zoas.
Everyone has different meanings for that and most people "read somewhere".
When I ask them where, they don't give me any reference. LOL!
They also can't tell me how much dirty would be the best for the zoas.
What kinda dirty stuff should we add to the water?
Some people tell me that their zoas don't need nothing else more than light and fish poop.
It is strange that in my tank when I try to feed my zoas fish poop the reject it!
Perhaps they are spoiled with the quality pellets that I target feed them!?!?

Hopefully others would chime in and give me some light? :D

Keep zoaing!

I personally wouldn't feed ZOA's pellets try and feed them powder and that would be the only contributing a factor to 'dirty water' and yeh ik but my water quality is at a hood standard and I have a 7 month old display tank in case of a disaster
Maybe it's been said but can you raise the lights higher than 40 cm. forgive me as I'm American and ignorant to the rest of the worlds standards of measurement but could you start higher and gradually lower it to the desired height. Thanks to to the rulers I used in grammar school I know 30 cm is approx. a foot so 40 is pretty high already but maybe that could work as an acclimation process.
LEDs put out a higher PAR value than T5HO or MH lights, so most people run them dimmed, since yours can not be dimmed I would suggest the same as others and see if you can raise it some to lower the intensity at the coral level. Might help...
Unfortunately no its a clip on light :L I might just set up another frag tank and go with t5 for this one what combination would you suggest for max growth (3 bulb system)
Why don't you put a mosquito screen over it for now?

If you want to go T5s I would suggest a Blue Plus and a Coral Plus.
For 3 bulbs I would use 2 Blue Plus and 1 Coral Plus.

I thought you knew that the smaller T5s are much longer then your 5 gal tank.
Your led would be the best bet unless you would have a bigger tank with T5s over it.
I would recommend to get a bigger tank any time.
You'll need to search and see what would be the smaller T5 size available in UK.

Again, if you would go for a bigger tank, another LED system would work too. Less electricity consumed.

Perhaps others would have a better idea on this…

Cheers I think I'm just gonna see how the leds go and purchase a bigger frag tank when it starts getting crowded, I'll use this led for the big one and I will buy a smaller one for my current tank