Zoanthid eradication...


Active member
Okay, okay, I know it's a sacrilege but I have a problem. I have a group of metallic blue zoa's that are overtaking a colony of green zoa's. Is it possible to kill the metallics without poisoning all the other zoa's in my tank. Will a product like Joe's Juice work? What can I do? I have another nice group of metallics in the tank so I'm not worried about losing them from the tank. What I'm worried about is losing my greens. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
pull the rock out and break it in half with a hammer + chisel, or cut them out ith the rock out of the tank.
The problem is they are actually growing among the greens, not just into them. They have moved to the inside of the colony. The metallics appear in any open area that the greens didn't get to fill.
joe's juice works. be careful when you do it. must be precise and there should not be any current to prevent it from killing the other zoos you want to keep.
use a sharp razor blade or exacto knife - cut away all the blues - you might have to take a few greens with them if you really want to get them all out - just make sure you do this in a separate bowl of water, and rinse all the slime off of the colony before placing them back in the tank.

A few good blasts to the colony from a turkey baster with fresh tank water (into the "fragging" bowl) before they go in should keep all the toxic slime from the blues out of the tank.
ouch :eek1:

only thing I can think of then is to suck away the slime w/ a turkey baster as you're cutting :(

Extra carbon and protein skimming wet would definately be good to do as an added precaution.

FWIW- When I fragged those they had the worst effect on my montiporas, and also made my frogspawn look "down" for a few days - so I assume they would do that to hammers too; the rest of the corals in my tank looked totally unaffected.

you might try the aptasia remedy. take a little fine tipped eye dropper, like the kind that comes in SEACHEM bottles, and squirt them individually with a really saturated kalk solution in the mouth. that might do it. make it hot solution at that. warm it on the stove in a small stainless steel pot, but not hot enough to melt the eyedropper. caustic and hot localized application just might do it and not harm the good neighbors.

the seachem droppers only hold one ml of water. and have a very fine tip.

just a thawt?? never tried it...


IT!!! COULD!!! WORK!!!
(Gene Wilder, Young Frankenstein or was that Frankensteen?)

try a couple a day and see how it works.
the slime off of these little guys is pretty toxic compared to your average zooanthids - I don't know if you'd want to kalk-nuke them and have them die in a tank that size (unless it was just a couple polyps)
Ummmm...what kalk? I don't see any kalk...anywho, I know what you mean MTM, whenever I've dealt with them in the past moving them in the tank, they were nasty. Brown slime everywhere. That's why I put the question out because I wasn't sure how bad they would be to eradicate since I have to do it in the tank. This morning...well...noon...I woke up and realized they were invading my EE colony too. Now they've gone too far! I think I'll try 2 polyps at a time. I have a skimmer and I'll just change the carbon every couple of days. A good shot of hot kalk right in the kisser. That ought to teach them.
Hey Nano,

let us know how it works. Maybe have a fine brine shrimp net ready in case they start to send out streamers of slime, and scoop it up. That should minimize the bad guys sliming and stinging the good guys.

Hey, that almost sounds like the old FISH "Good Guys/Bad Guys Cheer".
Let's hear it for the good guys! Yeah!
Lets hear it for the bad guys! Spoooo....
Not that I'm into killing zoos but if you must try this, Lime mixed with water to milkshake consistency will kill anything in your tank, a small turkey baster is a perfect delivery system. Just cover them and they will go away. How large is the tank? Like MTM stated those particular zoos are super toxic and it shouldn't attempted with a small volume of water>>>>>>>>GEBC
Jim it's my 16 gallon nano. Do you think I could get away with dosing 2 or 3 zoa's at a time? Then using either the brine shrimp net or a larger turkey baster to suck out the slime. A good water change every other day.
Just take the rock out of the tank, scrape off the zoos you don't want and rinse it well with tank water in a Rubbermaid container and then put it back in the tank and apply the lime solution to any flesh that may be left over. Keep it in low flow so the lime doesn't go everywhere for a few hours and then return it to the original location. Sounds brutal but it works>>>>>>>>>>>GEBC