Zoanthids are looking really bad? Please help!


New member
Here is the photo of the actual zoanthids I purchased a few months ago:

Here is a picture of them today:


Can someone help me? What am I doing wrong? or What can I do to save them?

There are other zoanthids in the tank that are doing fine. But this and myvOrange Crush Pathoa, are not doing so well?

My Hulkster are doing well.

But for some reason the tentacles on these are becoming thin? Do I need to feed them?
Here's a photo of my tank:

Cal- 400
alk- 125 ppm

I run Phosguard in a reactor, and Chaeto in the sump.
I would ask you what your MG and Salinity is running at?

My MG is 1350, and my salinity is 1.026
I've been reading that the Phosguard releases Aluminum into the system that might be the cause of my issue.

I turned off the reactor to see if it might make a difference?
maybe a parasite or maybe something wrong with the lighting ? I would take it out and give it a bath in coral revive. Or just try moving it to a new location. As in regards to feeding - idk I've seen my polys catch food but I'm not sure if they eat it though. You can always use zooplankton/reef roid.
If it was the aluminum, I would expect more issues across the entire tank so I would probably rule that out. A parasite or bacterial infection would be killing it and it doesn't look it's dying, just changing. I would suspect that it came from different lighting with it changing color so much. Either way, couldn't hurt to give it a dip in CoralRX.

I feed my Paly's occasionally with brine and mysis. My Zoa's I feed goniopower when I feed my alveopora about once a week but the colors have only intensified since I moved from PC to a Hydra26 LED. I would be curious to know what lighting it was under before it went into your tank.
Am I missing something? They look healthy as can be?

I was thinking the same thing, those zoanthids look just fine. I have quite a few different Zoanthids in my tank that look quite a bit different from when I bought them. The tank they came from most likely had a different lighting, flow, tank parameters or a combo of all 3. I have some Zoanthids that are quite high up in my tank getting a lot of light and a ton of flow. Depending on where my MP10's are at in their cycle, the Zoanthids are getting a turnonver rate between ~20-50x my tank volume. The ones I have that come to mind are an unknown pink variety, one up high and one down in the sand. They look like they are different varieties from the variance in light and flow.
They look fine. Tentacle length and thickness will vary based on tank conditions. People say high flow = long tentacles
i bought a frag of rainbow,but it change color to brown in my tank,sunny d and bambam just doing good. donnt no why.
I've had it go Both ways. Sometimes color will increase sometimes decrese after a few weeks in the tank. :headwally::headwally:
Those zoas look healthy, although not as bright as before. Parameters of a tank and lighting can drastically change the look.