Zoas and fish FS

Hey Matt I will take the urchin....
LMK if it is still available. Oh and how many zoa polyps do you have?
i also forgot to mention that i have 3 yellow cumbers and one cucumber that is black and white all are about 3" $3 ea. and i am pruning my refuge so i have a bunch of chaetomorpha for free (Andrew i have yours set aside...lol)
Matt / RD:
Mel - Let me know if you want me to shuttle the stuff down to Miami with me. I have a small-size foam cooler.

And actually, I'll be going to work late tomorrow, because I have to stop by Plantation to pick up a printer, then heading south.

Hey Tony...
Thanks for the offer, but I might pick them up if I get out of work early...but if I don't I will get out really late, either way I would not be able to get them from you either...
Hey maybe this weekend you could pass by and check out the my tank.
Thanks Matt :)

SharkOnWheels: lol how often do you drive around picking up printers? you were on a similar task during that free-tanks-at-exotic-aquatic week, right? :)
i still have this real nice juvenile French angel no one has a fish only! i hate to get LFS credit for it the resale will triple! I also have a couple more frags of these sweet bright lime green zoas my pic does not do them justice they aren’t just green they are a real lime zoas. I’ll try another pic.