Zoas and palys shrinking


New member
So what's the most common reason for this? Also could extended photo period cause this? I swichecd from the factory jbj led hood on my 28 nano to an AI sol nano. I had the AI timers set up wrong for a good while and just never really noticed. I had the Cree whites on for close to 6 hours with peak power at 80% for 2 of those hours. Also my blues and royal blues were running at 100% for 17 hours. One I realized what was going on I corrected the photo period to 12 hours of blues of which 10 hours are at 100%. The Cree whites are now at 3 hours with 2 hours at 80%.

Most my high end Zoas and palys doing great but suddenly purple hornets, blue hornets, and candle apple reds are shrinking in size and dont open as much as they once did. I'm hoping that now that I have shortened up the phot period they might start don better.

Anyone else ever have this happen? If pics help le me know.

Sounds like they got fried. The AI's pack a punch and folks SLOWLY ease it up to even 50% over the course of a few weeks. How high is the unit?
Here's a pic of how high the the light is.
I've had this light up about 6-8 weeks now I think

I should probably mention at the lights current height and power. Par reads at about 90 at the sand bed and about 380 just bellow the water surface. I was thinking maybe is more of a duration thing than intensity but Im still a noob so IDK.
Other info as well if it helps.
this tank has been up and running for about 5-6 months now give or take a couple weeks.

salinity: 1.025-.026
temp 79-79.5
PH: 7.8-8.0
CA: 410
MG: 1290
ORP: 310-340
Ammonia: Undetectable
Nitrate: Undetectable
Nitrite: Undetectable
Phosphates: Undetectable but I started running Seachem phosgaurd about 5 days ago because Algae had started to become a little problematic. Perhaps the light was contributing to that as well. The phosgaurd has really helped.

I ATO with Kalkwaser

Other inhabitants:
2 very small clowns
1 scooter blenny
1 cardinal
1 peppermint shrimp
2 turbos
2 trochus
6 nassarius
some undetermined number of other varies snails
7-8 scarlet and blue led crabs
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I would say they just got too much light. I run a pair of Sol Blues over my 57g and they max out at around 45%. At %60 I was bleaching sps.
I moved the the zoa and palys not doing well to the sand bed. I still have the light set to 80% during peak hours perhaps I should turn them down to 60% in addition with the shortened photo period? Oddly many of the others don't seem to have a problem at all. I guess that just the nature of the beast. Anyone else wit a 28 nanocube or 29 biocube running the same AI nano sol fixture?