Zoas closed but palys open


New member
My zoas haven't opened up in about a week or so, although my palys seem fine. I have 7 dif kinds of zoas spread throughout 4 different colonies. The largest having several palys scattered throughout it, which have remained open. My sg went high on me due to some equipment failures and was at about 1.030. Over several days I slowly brought it back down to 1.025 by supplementing saltwater with rodi water. All my water parameters seem ok; ph 8.2, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, phos 0, calcium 400 and mag 1200. Water flow hasn't changed nor has the lighting, however I did recently add some chaeto to a newly setup refugium, which lighting cycle runs opposite of display lighting to keep ph from changing much. Any thoughts on what could be keeping the zoas closed? It all started with the sg spike, is it possible that they just haven't recovered yet? Btw I have done a freshwater rodi dip with the zoas and cleaned them off with a turkey baster regularly also.
I'm no expert on zoas but I had two of my colonies close up and start to melt when I did my tank upgrade recently. Dipping didn't help, water tested good. I added iodine and within a day they were open and have been bouncing right back.
Test your iodine levels and see if that may be the problem.

Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Just spotted a gorilla crab in the tank, I'm wondering if that could possibly be the culprit. Now comes the task of trying to get him out.
Temp of 79°F is good.
Alkalinity should be 9+.
Ca at 380 - 420.
Mg could be better ~1350.

i believe the reason was the "salinity".
Let the tank be stable for a while. The zoanthids will probably be fine.

Yep, remove that crab!

Thanks Grandis. I'll slowly start to raise the mag and dkh. I managed to catch the crab shortly after I spotted it. It's now living in the refugium, until I figure out what to do with it.