Zoas closing, then disappearing


Ancient Eskimo Legend
Staff member
RC Mod
I have lost a couple small colonies of zoas that started small and then were about 1-2" thriving colonies when they started closing up. Lots of zoas/palys in the tank that look fine, but once they start going bad they keep closing up. I notice asterina stars this morning on some of the closed polyps, but I am not convinced they are the culprit.
I would take the asterinas away immediately to make sure the polyps are not bothered by them.
If they are nor the culprit and you didn't change much lately, there is something to do with the chemistry of bacterial/fungal infection.


I have the same with my zoas. I out them in and they look great for about a month or two and then just melt away little by little over a few weeks. They have all done this so far...some faster then others. I don't know why. Even put in different areas in the tank. All other corals and fish are fine.
