Zoas Disappearing


New member
I'm having an issue with zoas disappearing. Usually it is when they are smaller, only one head and they haven't opened since I put them in the tank. Some disappear a day after I put them in and some disappear a little after that. It is usually within the first week they are in there. I have them on a frag rack and when I go to bed at night they are there and when I get up in the morning they are gone. I've lost so many purple and blue hornets along with others and I'm tired of it. I have snails, an arrow crab, mystery wrasse, lawnmower blenny, firefish, mandarin goby, blue tang, and chromis. Do you think something is eating them or what? I can't afford to lose anymore!
I'm having an issue with zoas disappearing. Usually it is when they are smaller, only one head and they haven't opened since I put them in the tank. Some disappear a day after I put them in and some disappear a little after that. It is usually within the first week they are in there. I have them on a frag rack and when I go to bed at night they are there and when I get up in the morning they are gone. I've lost so many purple and blue hornets along with others and I'm tired of it. I have snails, an arrow crab, mystery wrasse, lawnmower blenny, firefish, mandarin goby, blue tang, and chromis. Do you think something is eating them or what? I can't afford to lose anymore!

There are many possible reasons for this. I see several from your post. Could you share some background with us? See the sticky at the top of this page, "When askig foir help", and share what you can.

1. The Blue Tang, "Hippo Tang", is known to eat polyps.

2. Do you have crabs in your tank? If so, what kind?

3. One head polyp, notorious for failure. They could possibly be improperly attached and the current, it too strong, will dislodge them.

4. You said they were on a frag rack. Where is the rack relative to your lighting source and current?

* If you are going to keep zoas, the Hippo has to go. I and others learned the hard way many many years ago and if you do a search or Google them in relative to zoas, you will see others experience with them as well. They may be fine for a while, but sooner or later, the desire to consume them will change. In fact, no Tang ( Surgeon fish ) is actually safe with zoanthids. Again, the accounts are numerous and can be found with a search right here in this forum alone.



Good luck and hope to hear more from you soon.

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OP: So your buying single polyp frags and they are not surviving?


When you buy a single or double polyp zoa frag the zoas are stressed to begin with. Let alone Putting them in a new environment so I would not hold back in saying they just melted.