Zoas dissappearing?


Custom User
Hey all quick question.

I just got done doing a 3 day lights out for cyano, and at the end of it now have noticed that my colony of eagle eyes is disappearing from the bottom up. There are still a few polyps where the colony used to be (nice and open) and it is spreading out onto the rockwork. Nothing has changed except that lights out period in probably 6 months (no new additions) and my other two colonies are showing absolutely no problems.

Will get pictures up when i have a chance.


Here is the picture. The colony used to extend all the way down through the base.
Other thought was that I did just upgrade to a 250w MH, so I moved the colony down to the substrate to see if it was light shock that was causing the problem. I plan on leaving it down there for up to a month to see what happens unless I hear otherwsie.
I havent seen one, flashlighting late at night hasnt shown up anything. Still no idea, I am hoping that it is light shock and tyhe colony just recovers... It wouldnt make sense that a predator would just feed one the eagle eyes would it? Are they that finicky?
One of the employees at my lfs had a eunice that took things in waves. She would notice snails missing for a week or so, then some softies, then a small fish, all taking place over months. If it is a eunice you may not see it at all or if you do weeks and weeks between feedings.