Zoas dying, what can I do?


New member
Every time I buy zoas happens this. First they open and look well, but after 2-4 weeks begin to close and cyano covers them. I have also protopalithoas and parazohantus but they are ok. Here you can see photos of how they are decaying




Parameters are:

Density 1.025
Temperature 24-26
Ca 450
Mg 1200
Kh 9
pH 7.8
NO2 0
NO3 10
PO4 0.1
Light 150 MH - 8 hours

I have no algae, my viewing panel has been clear more than a month. You can see that zoo colony is over a clamp. I didn´t realize this until the zoas closed.

Something I can do?
They are stretching quite a bit for light. Can you give us a full tank shot so we can get a better idea of just where they are in there? What kind of flow is in that area? Have you checked for any predators?
Light is 150W HQI 16000K and the display is 110 litres. The flow is medium because glass front panel directs the pump flow to the bottom. There is no predator, polips weaken slowly but to the end detach from their base.


Something with the light. 150w should be OK for that size tank.

How old is the bulb and how deep is the tank
Yeah that should be enough light. How high is the light off the water? Do the power heads keep the crud on the top of the water moving?
- Light bulb is one year old.
- It´s 5 centimeters off the water, very close. Because this protection window is dirty with salt. No way to avoid it. I don´t see very much light loss when cleaning but sure it is there.
- The tank is 55 cms deep.
- Powerheads make water moving very well with many little waves. I can see light beams on the back panel.

What about if the oyster/clam is subjected to high ligthning? I´m feared of this animal dying because can´t find if it´s death or not and it´s rather heavy.
I would change for T5s and would bring pH to 8.0 - 8.2.
Both slowly (light and pH).
Try to use some actinic and/or Blue + in the set when you change for T5s.
You can try to do some water changes until the pH comes to 8.0 - 8.2, or buffer.
Water changes with a good salt mix will bring Mg up also.
Good luck.

Also, if you don't change over to t5s, change that light bulb out. Generally the recommended bulb length is around 9 months to a year.