Zoas just dissolving away


JBJ 45g Rimless
Premium Member
When I got this frag a week ago and it was completely full of polyps. Today it has lost about 20% of the rock coverage. Its just slowly disappearing. during the day when the lights are brightest, you can see white fuzzy stuff on the rock and sometimes between the polyps and once in a while a bubble will develop on it. Once I pull it out of the water to examine it, I can't see anything on the rock. Just looks like normal rock. I have tested everything and there is nothing out of range. Temp is 79.5 and salinity is 1.025. It has been warm in the house the last two day and the tank got to about 80-81. But I noticed the change before the increase in temp.

Im thinking about a H2O2 dip. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2106948

This is what it looked like last night

And this is what it looks like today after moving in lower in the aquarium. Ignore the bottom left corner of the frag as I skipped it off to try and save a piece of it.

A Lugols dip, and. Would keep them. A low light low flow and hope, happened to me once and I had one single polyp that made it that grew back to twenty...
There were under Metal halide before I got them. I have LEDs and I have had them turned down to 60% for the last week to give my new stuff a chance to adjust. I have other zoas that I got from the same place that are doing great. Where do I get Lugols? I don't have a local reef store.
There is a thread on here about using tincture of iodine (the regular stuff). You may have a fungus. Most Zoas love light, I don't think that is the issue. A peroxide solution used as a dip may be your best bet. I have had good luck with this (not with Zoas but a rescued Elegance). I forget the measurements but there are umpteen threads about it here if you do a search, you already have the info more than likely. I can't really see much on the pics but your salinity and temp are fine, what are your other parameters?
I dipped them in an 80% saltwater & 20% peroxide for 5 minutes last night. We will see what they do today.

Calcium 470
dKh 7-8
Phos < 0.25
Nitrates <5

I also have this one that I think is some type of Palys. I have had it for a week also and it just won't open all the way. When it does open, it just looks flat like in this pic. Only a few are starting to show their skirts. I was thinking about moving it higher to get more light and flow but didn't know.

The peroxide dip worked on the first Zoas. They has stopped melting away and they are starting to come back out nicely. The second rock of palys still look pretty bad. They are not dyeing, they just look bad.

I have two Maxi 1200 in the tanks that are controlled by an arduino controller.
I also have a zoa that is ejecting black looking stuff from their mouths. Any thoughts.
